Monday, March 9, 2015


 The most expensive thing in the world is TRUST,
                                         it can take YEARS to EARN  & just a matter of SECONDS to LOSE

  Out of all the things that we want from any relationship(be it with friends,family,boyfriends,and girlfriends or someone else) trust is perhaps the most vital.But despite the fact that it's something that we all want,both in ourselves, trusting others and others trusting us,it is one of the hardest things to define.

            One of the most important  aspect of trust is to being able to place confidence in another person.Often this comes down to being able to tell someone a secret of some kind  and knowledge that they won't reveal it to another soul.this is important especially with friends,because we all have things we need to talk about but we might not want to share with everyone.on other occasions,although not being the best thing that any of us do.It can mean telling someone else's secret to a third person  and knowing that they will not give away that you broke someone else's confidence.

                                        The other main aspect of trust is  knowing that a  person will always tell you the truth and not hide anything.this is often the biggest problem with trust with lovers,when one person will be hiding things from the other.this often leads to the suspicious person snooping around in their partner's things,reading text messages and emails and even following them if they suspect that they are lying  about where they are going.often this problem is caused by another break of trust : cheating

                           Cheating is often the worst thing that people can do to their partner,as the trust placed in that partner is on the understanding that they will not be with another person.however,it is often that lying that goes with cheating that is the biggest problem,and worse than the cheating itself.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Turn your disappointment into meaningful success

                          " Don't let today's disappointment cast a shadow on tomorrow's dream"

              If you have dealt with any disappointments lately and you are wondering how to turn it  all around know that it's never over.

Here's how you can bounce back from failure and turn into success:

1. Define success in your own terms:

              Failure is a subjective term.If you have very rigid ideas of what it means to succeed,you will often feel disappointed.if there is one thing that's certain in life,it's that nothing is certain.

2. Find the value in failure:

                  If you're looking for a job and you don't ace an interview,you could either decide you failed at that interview,or you succeeded in learning something to help you in the next-which might be an even better opportunity than the one that just past
                        " sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck"

I believe the greatest achievement in life is the choice  to be empowered,not paralyzed,by a disappointment.there is no greater success than the ability to take responsibility for your joy.

3. Act on what you've learned:

                      Anything can be useful if we learn from it and then do something with that knowledge.On the one hand, we know that consistency is crucial to creating positive change.On the other,we know that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
  Unfortunately, there is no magical formula for creating the lives we visualize.No one can tell us what to keep doing and what to do differently.We have to gauge for ourselves what's working and where we could improve;and then we have to keep going,knowing full well there are no guarentees.

4. Focus on the process not the results:  

                     Just because you didn't reach a specific goal you set,that doesn't mean you can't still do what you'd like to do.It's not over just because you didn't create one specific outcome.If you keep doing what you love, you will inevitably identify new possibilities that will fulfill you.
 Another benefit of adopting a process oriented approach is that  it's easier to be mindful when you focus on the action  steps.This doesn't mean  you stop setting goals and measuring  your progress towards them.It just means let each step fuel your sense of meaning,joy and accomplishment.

5. Accept that it isn't always personal:

           As much as  we'd like to believe hard work always pays off,sometimes there are things beyond our control that have nothing to do with what we did or didn't do.this may be the reason a lot of people try  and try again only to achieve the same results.Some things are just harder to do than others.
  We can also find room for empowerment ,but sometimes  we need to accept the results aren't always reciprocal to efforts.however we increase our odds of creating results if we choose to move forward regardless.

6. Create your own luck:

                    If we stay positive and keep our eyes open,we will inevitably see opportunities in life.It's the difference between walking with your head held high and noticing a rainbow,and walking with our gaze on your feet  and seeing only puddles.

7. Get smart:

             It's entirely possible that you failed because you set yourself up for failure. SMART goals work-they're specific,measurable,attainable,realistic and time-bound.