Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Value Of Healthy Relationships

                  " The best way to get what you want in a relationship is to ASK FOR IT,and                                                the best way to avoid getting what you don't want is to say NO."

                             when we speaking up for ourselves,for what we truly want  and for how we'd like to be treated,is the greatest risk we can take in a relationship, as we'll always stand to be refused or unaccepted-and which can often be painful.
            We may not give it much thought,but all of us experience many different kinds of relationships that add valuable support to our lives everyday.

Importance of Relationships in our Lives:

We may have a special person who knows us best of all or someone with whom we share our daily strife's,successes and stuff.we will regard that person as our ally,our soul mate or even life companion.
                     We may have friends with whom we share coffee,a few drinks,the weekly game or who we can complain to about our problems to get advice or feedback.
                     Family members are  often the people who remind us about what's important in our lives.our parents and siblings are often the people  with whom we grew up,they knew the  young us and often we want to make them proud.
                   Then there are colleagues at work,co-workers or bosses.Many of us can spend most of our time with work colleagues.They can be the people who offer us support through our daily struggles,who recognize our skills,accomplishments,efforts and often who it is that we truly are.
          But what happens if those relationships go wrong? What happens if we start to feel irritable,undervalued,insignificant and unappreciated?

                            We may feel that there aren't enough hours in the day to accommodate everything we feel we must do,to please everybody who places the often unlimited demands on us.if we feel insignificant or undervalued in the contexts of our relationships,stress can gradually accumulate until it begins to spread through out every aspect of our lives.
                          Stress can cause disturbed sleep patterns,a lack of enthusiasm for people and the things that were once important to us.Over time we may lose our sense of humor,become aggressive,intolerant and may be introverted.Gradually those important relationships can be damaged by our negative behavior.

                             Every relationship we enter into,or have ever entered  into throughout will place demands on us,which there is nothing we can do about.

                           If you are not getting what you want in a relationship ,or if you are giving in to what you don't want to be giving into in a relationship you are not being your true authentic self.

                               The pressures and constraints of modern life can mean that sometimes our relationships are,deadlines,family commitments and a little personal me time can seem an impossibility ,let alone finding time for each other.
                           Along with the growth of social media's over the past 10 years,many people can find themselves becoming less social in the real world when away from the computer screen or the smart phone.Social isolation  has become more prevalent,and the modern way in which we live,can greatly reduced both the quantity and the quality of our social relationships.
                    In addition,a vastly increasing number of people live alone ,with loneliness becoming an increasingly common problem,which many of today's common mental and emotional epidemics such as anxiety,depression and low self esteem.though we have many Facebook friends that "like" us,or twitter followers that "follow"  us, the social media's  will never be able to compensate over the benefits of having that strong social support,that is so integrated into our most basic of human needs.

                  "Although some relationships may break us there are some relationships which make us."

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