Saturday, September 6, 2014

We are responsible for all of our experiences

                                              " Life is never stuck or static or stale."                                     

                               What we think about ourselves becomes truth for us.I believe that everyone,myself included,is responsible for everything in our lives,the best and the worst.Each one of us create our experiences by our thoughts and feelings.The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experience.we create the situations, and then we give our power away by blaming the other person for our frustration.when we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds,we will find it in our lives.
                Here are the two statements which decides what type of a person we are

                                   "People are out to get me."
                                    "Everyone is always helpful."

Each one of these beliefs will create quite different experiences.What we believe about ourselves and about life becomes true for us.

Believe It or Not,We Do Choose Our Thoughts

                      We may habitually think the same thought over and over so that it does not seem we are choosing the thought.But we did make the original choice.We can refuse to think certain thoughts.Look how often you have refused to think a positive thought about yourself.

                            " It's only a thought, and a thought can be changed."

We Can Change Our Attitude Towards the Past

                               The past is over and done.We can not change that now. Yet we can change our thoughts about the past.How foolish for us to PUNISH OURSELVES in the present moment because someone hurts us in the long ago past.
     we need to choose to release the past and forgive everyone,ourselves included.We may not know how to forgive,and we may not want to forgive,but the very fact that we say we are willing to forgive begins the healing process.It is imperative for our own healing that WE release the past and forgive  everyone.

 Blaming your Family

                  Blame is one of the surest ways to stay in a problem.In blaming another,we give away our power.Understanding enables us to rise above the issue and take control of our future.It is imperative for our freedom to understand that our parents were doing the best they could with the understanding,awareness, and knowledge they had..Whenever we blame someone else,we are not taking responsibility for ourselves.
The only things they could possibly teach you are what they had been taught.
                              How much do you know about your parent's childhoods,especially before the age of ten?If it's still possible for you to find out, ask them.If you are unable to find out about your parent's  childhoods,you will more easily understand why they did what they did.
            If you don't know and can't find out,try to imagine what it must have been like for them.what kind of childhood would create an adult like that?
You need this knowledge for your own freedom.You can't free yourself until you free them.You can't forgive yourself until you forgive them.If you demand perfection from them,you will demand perfection from yourself,and you will be miserable all your life.

Loving The Self

                  The only one thing that I ever work on with anyone, and that is "Loving the Self."Love is a miracle cure.Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.This is not a matter of vanity or arrogance or being stuck-up ,for that is not love.It is only fear.This is all about having a great respect for ourselves and gratitude for the miracle of our bodies and minds.
            "Love" to me is appreciation  to such a degree that it fills my heart to bursting and overflows.

                               "When we really love ourselves,everything in our life works."

Values in Life

                    Everyone places value on something and most everyone places great value on life,but for every different,the most important thing is what our values are and the priority we give to those values.The great travesty of humanity is that we are created in the image and likeness of god,yet we destroy each other,and this is a contradiction to the very essence of our creation.
Also,we should accept personal discipline as a much needed value in life,because we must ultimately become self-disciplined and we can not hope to discipline others unless we have acquired mastery over our own self.

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